Returning Member

Keep getting oops we encountered an error with business expenses. does anyone have suggestions?



I'm getting this message as well.


Please clear your browser cache (or use a different browser) and try again. This TurboTax FAQ has instructions on how to clear the cache in several popular browsers: How do I clear my cache (browsing history)?


If you are still not able to resolve this issue, please contact our phone support team for more help.


I spoke with Tech support, and they are aware of the issue and are working on it. Do you have an updated status?


Can you please confirm with us which TurboTax software and version you are using? Are you using Online or CD/Download?

Are you stuck on the error page or can you click on a Back or Continue button? 

This information is required so we can possibly replicate the error message you are receiving so we can find the resolution.


I'm using the online version. In Self employment income, after the page "......, did you make a Year-End Adjustment", and hit "Continue". Then the "Oops we encountered an error" shows up. The only options are "Go to Start of the Interview" or "Open Return Manager".




Thank you for the information. We will use it to see if we can recreate the error and work on correcting this for you. We will update you as soon as we have any information.

We appreciate your patience.

New Member


Im having the same issue I have tried all recommended troubleshooting and nothing has rectified the issue.


Our development team is aware of this issue and are working to resolve this error, ASAP. We will update this thread when more information becomes available. 


I'm no longer getting the "oops" message, but still cannot go any further on this screen. ".... , did you make a Year-End Adjustment". I click "No", but cannot go any further. It keeps cycling back to this page.