I mistakenly did an override for Box 34. When I say clear it in the Warnings. It says it still exists. If I delete the T5 slip the error still exists. I had to go to Forms, Find Override, and clear it. Only then did it remove the value on the Schedule 3 form. Please correct in the next update.
Updated original comments. Cant delete this post reply so just updating to remove comments.
Our development team is working on fixing the LOSS form, Schedule 3 and other related forms ASAP.
In the meantime, if you are trying to estimate your taxes payable, use the old 50% capital gains rate, as the two-thirds new rate will no longer apply for 2024.
Thank you for your patience.
Hi Susan, ok thanks. Just to clarify. It seems that if I input Box 34 on the T5 input line this causes TurboTax to think its an override even though I didnt do one. Hope this helps clarify this issue.
Yes. At the moment they are working on changes to all capital gains related forms and worksheets, and a new update should be available by the end of the week. This issue will likely be fixed at the same time.
Just updated TurboTax Standard with the update. The override error still exists. It is occurring as a result of claiming on the Loss Screen in Easy Step 'Net Capital Losses Being Claimed'. I inputted in the box the maximum amount that I can claim as per the screen. This amount then shows up as an override in Chart A in the Loss Worksheet. I never did an override but it seems that entering the amount in the screen causes it to think its an override.
CRA and Revenu Quebec are giving themselves until February 24th to adjust all the forms that have to do with capital gains and losses. We suggest you to consult this link that explain a lot about the delays.
To remove an override from a form or Worksheet in TurboTax Desktop, you click on Edit // Form overrides // Cancel All Overrides.
If the issue persist after February 24th, we suggest you contact our Product support team by phone to report it.
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.
Hi there. Unfortunately, removing the override would remove my capital gains loss carry forward which would increase the tax I owe. So I cant do that. As i said, all I did was enter in the EasyStep box the amount of net capital gains loss I wish to use from previous years. So I guess I will have to wait until the updates are done and it is fixed. However, we are suppose to be able to NetFile starting in Mid Feb. Feb 24 is way past that and then Intuit has to update their TurboTax. So how can we submit anything by the end of Feb. In my case I need to file by end of Feb or I will miss the Apr 30 deadline as I will be away. I am attaching a screen shot showing where I entered the info that caused the incorrect override.
CRA and Revenue Quebec are giving themselves until February 24th to adjust all the forms that have to do with capital gains and losses. We suggest you to consult this link that explain a lot about the delays.
To remove an override from a form or Worksheet in TurboTax Desktop, you click on Edit // Form overrides // Cancel All Overrides.
If the issue persist after February 24th, we suggest you contact our Product support team by phone to report it.
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.
Just an additional update. If I chose to complete my wife's return jointly with mine. When I claim the available carry forward losses I do NOT get the error message that an override was done. If I change back to do only my return the error message that there is an override returns. Hope that helps to identify the issue.
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