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one or more of my tax forms is currently unavailable, preventing me from proceeding reviewed the FAQ on locked forms and none of the listed forms apply to my situation?

@TurboTaxAniqua @TurboTaxSusan Are you doing something about this problem? Will there be an update to fix the glitch? My next goto is ask for a refund and never buy TurboTax for future years 

one or more of my tax forms is currently unavailable, preventing me from proceeding reviewed the FAQ on locked forms and none of the listed forms apply to my situation?

@ApplesID Please verify that none of the forms you are using are locked: TurboTax FAQ: Why does TurboTax say my forms are locked or haven't been finalized? 

If you are not using any locked forms, we suggest you to contact our Product support team. They have access to tools we don't have here in Community, like screenshare to investigate this issue for you.  


one or more of my tax forms is currently unavailable, preventing me from proceeding reviewed the FAQ on locked forms and none of the listed forms apply to my situation?

@TurboTaxAniqua verified forms not being used, done! Called product support,  done! No solution from the agent, done! Agent already closed my case with no solution. I was being prevented by either using Netfile or to print to file by using mail. 

one or more of my tax forms is currently unavailable, preventing me from proceeding reviewed the FAQ on locked forms and none of the listed forms apply to my situation?


Can you confirm whether this issue is actively being addressed, or if the resolution will simply be issuing refunds to those who request them?


Many members have been advised to contact support, only to experience over an hour of wait time with no clear resolution, ultimately leading to financial losses. A definitive answer on whether the necessary forms will be “unlocked” or if refunds will be the only option would be greatly appreciated.


Additionally, what about members(myself included)”who are receiving this error even though none of the locked forms apply to them? As you are aware, there is a deadline to submit taxes, and this situation is highly unprofessional. Please advise if we should take our business elsewhere to ensure our taxes are assessed and submitted correctly.