On the Medical Worksheet, line 9c says that it should be the total of 9a and 9b, but comes up with some other number from somewhere. I have to override the entry to get the correct total in 9c. Does anyone have another fix?
Contrary to the text of the form, line 9a should be in miles, not dollars. The software then calculates dollars (miles on 9a * .22) and adds the result to line 9b to get the result in line 9c.
This is the support site for the Canadian TurboTax. For assistance with U.S. taxes and U.S. versions of TurboTax, please visit the website for TurboTax USA.
Thanks for the info. Not sure how I got there, but it is not easy to find how to report issues.
You're welcome. It's very easy to mistakenly put a .ca instead of .com.
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