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Why does it ask to upgrade to premier addition?

We have used the Deluxe edition for many years with no issues but this year as we entered out T3 amount it is now asking us to upgrade to a premier edition and will not let up bypass. Is this a glitch or not sure why? We had T3 last year nothing has changed.

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Why does it ask to upgrade to premier addition?

There have been changes made to TurboTax Online. The ability to enter the T3 Statement of Trust Income Allocations and Designations is now only available in Premier or higher. Please see these TurboTax FAQs for more information:

Why did I have to upgrade my TurboTax Online edition?

Who can file for free using TurboTax?


Also, "Deluxe" is new for 2021. In previous years we had a similar product called TurboTax Standard Online.